Classrooms to Communities Provincial Conference

Date: October 23, 2020
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: virtual

Lhtakoh* – Where People, Place and Practice Flow Together

*Lhtakoh: Lheidli name for the Fraser which means “waters within each other”

The Classrooms to Communities 2020 Provincial Conference is being held virtually on October 23. Join us as we continue to connect educators from classrooms to communities.

EEPSA, in partnership with our C2C partners, hosts an annual two day conference on the October PSA day.

Because of Covid-19, this is a unique conference, in that the program will all be accessed digitally. Despite not being able to gather face-to-face in community spaces, the focus of the conference is still how to connect students to their communities. Our primary concern is the health and safety of all participants.

The Classrooms to Communities (C2C) 2020 Conference aims to support the practice of place-based learning. The conference goals are to:

  1. Model Place-Based Learning through highly interactive, experiential and replicable practices.
  2. Share and explore success stories of place-based learning as central to teaching and learning in BC’s K-12 curriculum.
  3. Inspire, support and enhance the evolving work of pre-K to 12 teachers and partners in BC schools and communities to integrate promising practices of place-based education.
  4. Build greater capacity and collaboration for a BC wide network of place-based education leaders/mentors, including pre-K to 12 teachers, schools, school districts, organizations, associations of teachers and all other interested partners.

Follow the link for more information and to register:

Upcoming conference locations:  October 2021 on Vancouver Island, October 2022 in the Kootenays and October 2023 in Metro Vancouver.


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  • Annual subscription to Green Teacher: Canada’s popular environmental education journal (value $27) plus access to the entire Green Teacher database of past issues!
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  • Voting privileges at EEPSA annual general meetings
  • Support to advocate for improved environmental education in BC Schools
  • Notice of EEPSA sponsored conferences and events
  • Opportunities to connect and network with environmental educators

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Environmental Educators Professional Specialists Association

EEPSA is a dynamic volunteer organization promoting networking, curriculum support, and leadership in environmental education supported by the BCTF.