Upcoming Events
Professional Development
Upcoming Events

The overarching theme for the 2025 Outdoor Learning Conference is “Place and Pedagogy: Where Learning Happens”. This year’s Conference will continue to focus on Indigenous Ways of Knowing, Health & Wellbeing, and Environmental & Climate Change Education.
We will hear from experts in these fields through keynote presentations, panel discussions and hands-on, educational workshops. Take Me Outside, The Canadian Network for Environmental Education, Global Environmental and Outdoor Education Council, and the Outdoor Learning School & Store are proud to host this conference and hope that you are able to come and build community through inclusion, inspiration and ideas
- Assist educators with curriculum support, professional development and networking opportunities to members across the province.
- Build partnerships and collaborations with other place-based, EE stakeholders.
- Promote greater awareness, understanding and appreciation of the environment and nurture skills in teachers to use Place-Based Education (PBE).
- Engage new members of the PSA in order to retain them.