Leadership Circle

Start date: April 26, 2019 - End date: April 28, 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Nipika Mountain Resort, Kootenay National Park


CBEEN and EEPSA will co-host a Leadership Circle on April 26-28, 2019, at Nipika Mountain Resort, and will bring together the leadership teams from each EEPSA Local Chapter to collaboratively plan for the following school year and beyond.

Registration is open to all EEPSA Local Chapter Executive Members from the Columbia Basin, and one representative from EEPSA Local Chapters in BC outside of the Columbia Basin. This Leadership Circle is an opportunity for local chapters to team-build and plan while networking and collaborating with other local chapters.

Please note: all participants must be current CBEEN & EEPSA members.

Contact Selina Metcalfe for more information.

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  • Annual subscription to Green Teacher: Canada’s popular environmental education journal (value $27) plus access to the entire Green Teacher database of past issues!
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  • Voting privileges at EEPSA annual general meetings
  • Support to advocate for improved environmental education in BC Schools
  • Notice of EEPSA sponsored conferences and events
  • Opportunities to connect and network with environmental educators

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Environmental Educators Professional Specialists Association

EEPSA is a dynamic volunteer organization promoting networking, curriculum support, and leadership in environmental education supported by the BCTF.