- Study and work: classes meet four times/term on a Friday evening, Saturday and/or Sunday
- Combination of practical and theoretical classes: theory, lab, research, and guided inquiry during classes held at SFU Surrey campus and/or in the field at a location in the Georgia Basin region
- Apply Ecological Education in a variety of educational settings: K-12 classrooms, post-secondary, community and informal settings
- Cohort-based program: study with same group of 18 – 24 students, facilitating peer support and knowledge-building across and within disciplines
This is a “field trip” for teachers set in the spectacular Barkerville Historic Town, and what we hope will be a one-of-a-kind professional development opportunity,
This symposium will explore the challenges of bringing place-based curriculum, place-conscious learning and geographic literacy into the classroom, and bringing the classroom out into the physical and cultural landscape. Our intended audience includes Social Studies educators, teachers who love field trips, and others who want to bring an aspect of Place into their Fine Arts, Humanities, Environmental Science, English/Language Arts, Applied Skills, or Intermediate teaching practice.