Links to EE resources

Check out Environmental, Place-Based, Sustainability, Outdoor, Experiential, and Aboriginal Education resources:

Disclaimer: Please note that these resources are created and owned by third parties and may have been updated or altered since the resource was last reviewed. It is important that teachers use their professional judgement when assessing any resource for its applicability to the curriculum, their classroom and educational context, and the needs of their students. EEPSA receives no financial benefit from use of these external resources.


Digital Tool to support Outdoor Play & Learning in Elementary Schools

Great Bear Rainforest: Education & Awareness Trust


Kootenay Boundary Environmental Education Initiative

Arrow Lakes School District Videos

Interesting Articles

Green Teacher magazine

En’owkin: What It Means to a Sustainable Community by Jeannette Armstrong

Classroom Ready Resources

Kootenay Columbia Environmental Educators members Laura Jackman and Matt Gale have compiled this amazing list of ready-to-use activities to take your students outside

These resources can also be found on the TeachBC Website: 

Understanding Food and Climate Change: A Systems Perspective by the Centre for Ecoliteracy:

Starting with Soil by the Centre for Ecoliteracy:

“Decomposition Mission” by Beetles Science and Teaching for Field Instructors:

Nature Scene Investigators by Beetles Science and Teaching for Field Instructors:

“I Notice, I Wonder, It Reminds Me Of”: Exploration Routine by Beetles Science and Teaching for Field Instructors:

Exploring the Great Bear Sea – Elementary Resources:

Kootenay Boundary Environmental Education Initiative Inspiration Handbook

Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation Education

Be a Biodiversity Detective!:

“Jobs in a Biotic Community” by the Center for Ecoliteracy:

Resource for Rethinking

Exploring a Forest by HCTF Education:

The 3 R’s in the Forest by HCTF Education:

Forest Food Webs by HCTF Education:

Designing a Resilient Community by the Centre for Ecoliteracy:

Nature Kids BC: “Nature Wild” magazine

Canadian Wildlife Federation

The Kimberley Foundation is a national charitable not-for-profit organization whose aim is to support unique, self-directed learning experiences that help create change FOCUS! Change Climate Change Program

Have a resource to add? Please contact us.

Environmental Educators Professional Specialists Association

EEPSA is a dynamic volunteer organization promoting networking, curriculum support, and leadership in environmental education supported by the BCTF.