Environmental Educators Provincial Specialist Association

Upcoming Events

Professional Development

Upcoming Events

BCTF New Teachers’ Conference: Nanaimo

Date: May 9, 2025
All-day event
Location: Coast Bastion Hotel Nanaimo 11 Bastion Street Nanaimo, BC V9R 6E4
new teachers' conference

The BC Teachers’ Federation is excited to announce the launch of the BCTF 2025 New Teachers’ Conference (NTC): Cross-Pollination. This conference is a place for new teachers to connect with their early career colleagues across British Columbia and co-develop their teaching practices. It is designed for teachers in their first five years of teaching, teacher candidates, Teachers Teaching On Call, and those who are coming back to teaching after moving or being away from the classroom. 


  • Assist educators with curriculum support, professional development and networking opportunities to members across the province.
  • Build partnerships and collaborations with other place-based, EE stakeholders.
  • Promote greater awareness, understanding and appreciation of the environment and nurture skills in teachers to use Place-Based Education (PBE).
  • Engage new members of the PSA in order to retain them.

Join BC’s hub of environmental educators

BCTF members can click here to purchase a membership from the BCTF portal.

Membership Benefits

  • Annual subscription to Green Teacher: Canada’s popular environmental education journal (value $27) plus access to the entire Green Teacher database of past issues!
  • Subscription to EEPSA email listserve
  • Voting privileges at EEPSA annual general meetings
  • Support to advocate for improved environmental education in BC Schools
  • Notice of EEPSA sponsored conferences and events
  • Opportunities to connect and network with environmental educators

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Environmental Educators Professional Specialists Association

EEPSA is a dynamic volunteer organization promoting networking, curriculum support, and leadership in environmental education supported by the BCTF.